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March 20, 2021

5 Ways Renuvion Can Help You Get a Sculpted Body

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 9:48 pm
Confident woman on beach after Renuvion (J-Plasma) in Chicago

Swimsuit season is just around the corner. Are you ready for it? If you feel a bit self-conscious about your body, a cosmetic surgeon may be able to help you get the results you crave — without a long recovery period or highly invasive procedures. One treatment that you might be a candidate for is Renuvion (J-Plasma) in Chicago, which can tighten the skin, making it firmer and more youthful-looking. Let’s talk about five different areas of the body that Renuvion can treat.


Renuvion might rightly be called a noninvasive tummy tuck. It can tighten slightly loose skin and fade the appearance of stretch marks. Many patients choose to use Renuvion in conjunction with other treatments, such as traditional liposuction, to achieve optimal results. However, it also works well as a standalone procedure.

Chest and Neck

While many people are diligent about skincare for their face, they might unintentionally neglect their neck and chest. Since these areas often receive a lot of sun exposure and are usually among the first body parts to develop sagging skin, they can make you look older than you really are. Renuvion can tighten up these parts and fade surface imperfections.


“Batwings” is the term commonly used to describe sagging underarm skin. It can occur as a result of age or weight loss. Renuvion can tighten up that skin, in effect giving you a mini arm lift without the downtime or noticeable scars that often come with traditional surgery.


The legs tend to get a lot of attention during swimsuit season. Unfortunately, many people don’t want to show off their legs because they have sagging skin or cellulite. Renuvion can provide effective tightening for the skin on the inner and outer thighs, and in many cases, it diminishes the look of cellulite as well.


Cellulite and loose skin can affect the butt just as much as the thighs. Thankfully, Renuvion is able to provide a mini butt lift that can make you feel confident and brand-new in virtually any outfit.

Get Started with Renuvion

Renuvion is a remarkable treatment that can help you look as young as you feel. Most patients who are interested in it do qualify for the procedure. Consulting with a plastic surgeon who offers Renuvion could be your first step on your path to achieving your ideal look. 

Meet the Practice

Dr. Irvin Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers a range of treatments that are designed to help patients feel fantastic in their bodies. In addition to providing Renuvion, he is also able to perform many types of traditional cosmetic surgeries, including liposuction. To learn more about Dr. Wiseman and how he may be able to serve you, contact Wiesman Cosmetic Surgery at 312-981-1290.

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