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November 15, 2021

What Is Included in a Mommy Makeover?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 4:58 pm
Confident mom in bikini after mommy makeover in Chicago

After you bring one or more children into the world, your body may undergo some significant changes. While some women choose to embrace their new figure, others miss their pre-baby body. If you fall into the latter category, a mommy makeover in Chicago might be right for you. This service is designed to help you look and feel your best after you give birth to your last child. Continue reading below to discover which surgeries might be part of your mommy makeover plan.

Breast Surgery

Breast changes after pregnancy are common. Some women find that their breasts remain larger even after they finish breastfeeding, while others find that their breasts shrink. If the breasts shrink but the skin doesn’t do so along with it, some sagging can occur. Fortunately, there are plastic surgeries that can address all of these issues. A breast augmentation, reduction, or lift might be just what you need to restore a shape that you are proud to show off.

Tummy Tuck

Stretch marks, loose skin, and stubborn pockets of fat around the abdomen are common consequences of pregnancy. A tummy tuck, also called an abdominoplasty, involves removing extra skin and fat from around the belly. It may also include the restoration of weakened or separated muscles. The result is a flatter, firmer abdomen.


Liposuction is the removal of pockets of fat via the use of a special canula, and many moms have it performed on their belly to help them achieve a flatter, more toned appearance. However, it can also be used on other areas of the body, including the arms, hips, thighs, and more. It can result in up to a 25% reduction in fat.

Body Lift

If you want to improve the appearance of your skin at multiple places throughout your body, a body lift might be right for you. This surgery enhances the tone of skin and muscle in places like the butt, belly, and thighs. It isn’t strictly designed for the removal of excess fat, so it might be used along with liposuction to achieve optimum results.

Vaginal Services

If you gave birth naturally, your vagina may have undergone some changes. A vaginoplasty can tighten and restore stretched, damaged muscles. A labiaplasty may be the ideal way to reduce the appearance of the inner labia to renew the pre-birth appearance of one of the most intimate parts of your body.

Which Services Will You Undergo?

As you can see, “mommy makeover” is a general term that can include numerous services. The surgeries that are best for you will depend on your goals for treatment and your doctor’s recommendations. They will be happy to design a plan that will enhance your body’s shape and help you love what you see in the mirror!

Meet the Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Chicago. He is proud to offer comprehensive mommy makeover services. If you do not plan on having any more children and are ready to discover how plastic surgery might be able to benefit you, Dr. Wiesman would be happy to speak with you. Contact our team at 312-981-1290. 

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