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February 15, 2024

Breast Augmentation: Terms You Should Know

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 3:26 pm
Patient talking to medical team member about breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is a big commitment, so you should feel well-informed as you move forward with treatment. Admittedly, though, some aspects of your care might be challenging to understand; your medical team might use some words and phrases that you are unfamiliar with! Of course, you should always feel free to ask questions at any point during your surgical journey. In the meantime, you can gain a fuller understanding of the procedure by learning some basic terms that are related to breast augmentation:


This is the pigmented skin around your nipple. In some cases, breast augmentation can affect how the areola looks.

Augmentation Mammaplasty

Augmentation mammaplasty is simply a medical term that refers to breast enhancement or enlargement via surgical means. Breast augmentation is often used interchangeably with this term.

Breast Implants

There are a couple of different types of breast augmentation surgery. Some people choose to receive silicone or saline implants, medical devices that are inserted into the breasts to enhance their size and shape.

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

Some patients prefer not to receive implants. Instead, they may undergo breast augmentation with fat transfer, which involves moving fat from another area of the body into the breasts in order to enhance their appearance.

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia uses a combination of medications to cause unconsciousness and loss of feeling during surgical procedures. The vast majority of breast augmentation procedures are done under general anesthesia.


An incision is a surgical cut. Breast augmentation may involve pariareolar incisions (incisions around the areola), transaxillary incisions (incisions under the armpits), or inframammary incisions (incisions made in the folds under the breasts).


A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breasts. You may need to undergo this diagnostic procedure before you move forward with breast augmentation.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a diagnostic test that can be used to examine various parts of the body, including the breasts. Similar to an X-ray, MRI scans are painless.


Sutures are also called stitches. They are used to hold skin and tissue together following breast surgery.


Ultrasound is a painless diagnostic procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to allow your medical team to gain insight into what is happening in your body.

Breast augmentation surgery can expand your knowledge of medical terms! Do plenty of research before your procedure so you can approach it with confidence.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon in the Chicago area. He offers breast augmentation with fat transfer, breast implants, and a range of other procedures that aim to help patients look and feel amazing. Dr. Wiesman and our team are always happy to answer patients’ questions and explain unfamiliar terms. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact Wiesman Cosmetic Surgery at 312-981-1290.

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