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May 20, 2023

What to Expect While Recovering from Liposuction

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 3:47 pm
Attractive woman after liposuction recovery

Are you contemplating the idea of getting liposuction? This procedure can help you get rid of stubborn areas of fat and achieve a shapelier body. But what kind of recovery can you expect after your surgery? How long will it take for you to feel normal again? This basic guide lets you know what to expect while recovering from liposuction.


April 15, 2023

Recovering from a Mommy Makeover: What to Expect

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 4:52 pm
Attractive mom wearing a bikini on the beach

If you do not plan to have any more children, you might be thinking about undergoing a mommy makeover. This cosmetic surgery service can help you to regain your pre-baby body. Still, you might hesitate if you live a busy lifestyle. You may wonder what you can expect while recovering from a mommy makeover and how soon you will be able to get back to your normal routine. This blog post provides useful information.


March 15, 2023

5 Reasons to Consider Getting a Facelift

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 11:48 pm
Female patient attending consultation for a facelift

If you are in your 40s or older, you may have noticed some significant signs of aging on your face and neck. Sagging skin and deep creases are normal and nothing to be ashamed of; these issues happen to virtually everyone. However, if you would prefer to turn back the clock and look as young as you feel, you might want to consider getting a facelift. Here are some benefits that you are likely to experience as a result of the procedure:


February 28, 2023

Is Breast Augmentation Worth It? 5 Benefits to Consider

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 5:10 pm
Woman holding measuring tape around her breasts

Many women are dissatisfied with the way their breasts look, but they hesitate to consult with a doctor to learn about their options. Is breast augmentation worth it? For many people, yes, this surgery is a great investment that never causes any regrets. This blog post talks about some outstanding benefits of breast augmentation that might just motivate you to visit your local plastic surgeon.


January 28, 2023

What Is Brachioplasty? What Are Its Benefits?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 4:33 pm
Woman’s arm before and after brachioplasty

Do you often choose to wear long sleeves because you are embarrassed by the way your arms look? Millions of people struggle with the issue known colloquially as “bat wings.” Without a doubt, excess fat or skin on your upper arms can dampen your confidence and negatively affect your appearance. Fortunately, brachioplasty may be able to help. What exactly is brachioplasty, and what are its benefits? Continue reading below to find out.


November 9, 2022

Juvederm vs. BOTOX® — Which Should You Choose?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 5:04 pm
Two women with beautiful skin after Juvederm or BOTOX® in Chicago

Are you looking to turn back the clock on your appearance? Injectables offer a minimally invasive and effective way to reduce wrinkles and make you look years younger. Two popular injectable options are Juvederm and BOTOX® in Chicago. How do these treatments compare, and which one might be a better fit for you? Read on below to discover the answers.


October 3, 2022

How to Protect Your Nose after Rhinoplasty

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 7:39 pm
Woman wearing a hat and sunscreen to protect nose after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in Chicago is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries. Countless people undergo it each year. Sadly, some of those individuals find that their nose suffers damage after their surgery, adversely affecting their appearance and possibly leading to the need for further treatments. How can you make sure that doesn’t happen to you? Read on below to discover some practical guidance on how to protect your nose.


July 21, 2022

Use These 3 Tips for an Easy Tummy Tuck Recovery

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 6:59 pm
Woman’s abdomen being prepared for a tummy tuck in Chicago

A tummy tuck in Chicago is a transformative procedure that can help you enjoy your ideal body shape. One of the only downsides to the surgery is that it comes with a significant recovery period; it may be 6 weeks to 3 months before you are feeling completely back to normal. What can you do in the meantime to enjoy an easy and comfortable recovery? Here are a few practical tips:


June 10, 2022

Discover the Remarkable Benefits of Fat Transfer

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 5:08 pm
Woman’s attractive body after successful fat transfer in Chicago

“Fat” is often regarded as an unpleasant word, but it is actually an essential part of the human body. Not only does it store certain nutrients, but it is also partially responsible for the smooth, attractive appearance of skin. Unfortunately, fat doesn’t always collect in areas where it is most wanted. Fat transfer in Chicago is a procedure that aims to address this issue. Read on below to learn about some of the benefits of this aesthetic service.


May 12, 2022

How Old Should I Be When I Start BOTOX®?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 10:33 pm
Young woman sitting at computer, curious about BOTOX®

In the past, BOTOX® Cosmetic was usually seen as a treatment for mature individuals, perhaps in their 40s or older, who wanted to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. While people in that age group can certainly benefit from injectables, recent trends have seen a shift in the age of BOTOX® patients — many younger people are choosing to get it. Have you ever personally wondered, “At what age should I start BOTOX® in Chicago?” Let’s talk about this intriguing question.

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