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August 10, 2020

Maintaining Your Skin & Fillers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — dr_wiesman @ 10:29 pm

Image of COVID-19 closing offices for cosmetic surgeon in Chicago. Over the last few weeks, you’ve spent more time at home to help combat the spread of COVID-19. To ensure social distancing, many businesses have had to shut their doors, like those that offer elective services. As a result, you may not have been able to maintain your appointments with your cosmetic surgeon in Chicago. You don’t need to lose the goals you’ve accomplished if you can’t get an appointment. Here are a few easy ways to maintain your skincare and fillers at home until you can schedule a recall visit.

1. Limit Your Time in the Sun.

After being stuck inside, a nice walk outdoors can be just what you need. While it’s great to get some exercise, it’s best to limit how long you spend in the sun until your next appointment for Botox in Chicago. The sun causes collagen to breakdown, reversing the results of the injections. If you’re going to spend time outdoors, it’s best to wear a hat and apply a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet.

A healthy diet is important for more than just a trim waistline. It can also make a difference when maintaining your cosmetic facial fillers in Chicago. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy will help stimulate collagen production. It’s best to limit your consumption of sugar, which can cause elastin to breakdown, leading to wrinkles.

3. Choose the Right Bedding Materials.

Did you know sleeping on your side, chest, or face can cause wrinkles? It’s best to sleep on your back, but if you can’t get comfortable in that position, use a silk pillowcase. This minimizes oil and debris from collecting on your skin.

4. Practice Stress-Relieving Techniques.

It’s no secret, we live in pretty stressful times amid the coronavirus pandemic. Although stress levels might be high for everyone, it’s best to remain calm. Stress not only affects your mental and physical health, but it can also influence the appearance of your skin. If you’re feeling the pressure of daily life, it’s best to find the time to practice stress-relieving techniques, like yoga or meditation.

5. Stay Hydrated.

Staying hydrated is the secret to healthy, beautiful skin. As the country reopens during the last few weeks of summer, be sure you’re staying hydrated, especially when you’re away from home. It’s best to drink water over sugary drinks, but if you need a little sweetness, add fresh fruit to your glass.

As cases of the virus decline, you can enjoy many elective services again. In the meantime, commit to a few simple changes at home to maintain your skincare and fillers.

About Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman

Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon who offers the latest solutions to reach your aesthetic goals. Although he specializes in hand and microvascular surgery, he also offers less invasive treatments as well, like dermal fillers and Botox. If you need an appointment amid the COVID-19 pandemic, contact our office today to schedule your visit.

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