Do you often choose to wear long sleeves because you are embarrassed by the way your arms look? Millions of people struggle with the issue known colloquially as “bat wings.” Without a doubt, excess fat or skin on your upper arms can dampen your confidence and negatively affect your appearance. Fortunately, brachioplasty may be able to help. What exactly is brachioplasty, and what are its benefits? Continue reading below to find out.
What Is Brachioplasty?
Brachioplasty is also called an arm lift. During this procedure, a plastic surgeon carefully removes excess fat and skin from the upper arm, resulting in a sleeker appearance. Brachioplasty is often recommended for people who have lost a significant amount of weight and have extra skin as a result. It is also suitable for individuals whose skin has begun to sag with age as well as people who have genetic factors that contribute to sagging skin.
Brachioplasty is not a “short cut” for people who do not wish to spend a lot of time working out in the gym. The truth is, no matter how many bicep or tricep curls you do, bat wings may still be a problem. Brachioplasty accomplishes what diet and exercise cannot.
Benefits of Brachioplasty
Brachioplasty offers some noteworthy benefits, including:
- Smaller, sleeker arms. You may be more willing to wear tank tops, sleeveless dresses, and other garments that leave the upper arms visible. You might also find that when you wear sleeves, you can fit into a smaller shirt size.
- A more proportionate body. Excess tissue on the upper arms can make your bodily proportions seem off. Shrinking your arms can help you enjoy a unified appearance from head to toe.
- Minimal scarring. A skilled plastic surgeon will ensure that there is minimal scarring, and the scars will be hidden in areas where other people are unlikely to focus their attention.
- Easier hygiene. The procedure may eliminate problems that result from bacteria getting caught in excess skin folds.
- More visible workout results. Even if you are serious about your fitness, you may not be able to see the results of your workouts if you have a lot of extra tissue on your upper arms. Brachioplasty can help you show off the muscle definition that you have worked hard to achieve.
Is Brachioplasty Right for You?
Brachioplasty may be right for you if you are concerned about the appearance of your upper arms, and you are well enough to undergo surgery. A plastic surgeon can help you determine for a certainty whether this procedure is a fit for your unique circumstances.
Meet the Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman is a board-certified plastic surgeon in the Chicago area. He and our team are committed to providing personal attention and outstanding results for every patient who comes to us. If you would like to learn more about brachioplasty or any of the other surgeries we offer, contact our office at 312-981-1290.