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February 18, 2025

Why Get a Nose Job? Consider These Key Benefits

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_wiesman @ 4:14 pm
Woman's profile before and after a nose job

A nose job, also known as rhinoplasty, is one of the most common plastic surgery services. Have you been thinking about undergoing this procedure but are still undecided? While a nose job is not for everyone, it can provide huge benefits for many people. What exactly are those benefits? This blog post discusses some of the most outstanding reasons to consider rhinoplasty.

Cosmetic Benefits

Rhinoplasty is most famous for the cosmetic benefits it can provide; even many celebrities have undergone this procedure to enhance their appearance. Lots of ordinary folks have also gotten nose jobs. If you feel self-conscious due to the shape or size of your nose, a skilled plastic surgeon may be able to help.

Some aesthetic concerns that a nose job may be able to correct include:

  • An overly large nose
  • A bulbous shape
  • Crookedness
  • Bumps
  • Nostrils that are too large/small
  • An overly flat nose

Improved Breathing

A nose job may be able to do more than improve your appearance! Due to genetics, an injury, or other factors, you may have a deviated septum. This issue can make it difficult to breathe through your nose. A nose job often includes a procedure known as septoplasty, wherein a deviated septum is corrected.

When you are able to breathe more easily through your nose, you may experience several benefits:

  • Less snoring and improved sleep quality
  • An improved ability to exercise comfortably
  • A lower risk of dry mouth and the oral health problems it can cause
  • Fewer sinus issues

Better Quality of Life

As a result of getting a nose job, you may find that your overall quality of life takes a turn for the better. For example, you may enjoy greater confidence in your appearance, which could make it easier for you to thrive in social situations. Plus, improved nasal breathing could help you feel better day after day whether you are at work, relaxing at home, or trying to reach your fitness goals.

Do you think a nose job might be able to benefit you? Speak to a qualified plastic surgeon to learn more about this procedure and what you can expect from it.

Meet the Practice

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Irvin M. Wiesman offers a variety of services to patients in the Chicago area, including rhinoplasty. If you would like to improve the function or appearance of your nose, he and our team are ready to consult with you. To learn more or request an appointment, contact our office at 312-981-1290.

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